Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Wednesday March 18: regular schedule, presentations
Friday March 20: Regular Schedule, presentations, Timeline Paper Due
Next Week: Spring Break!
Following Week (March 30, April 1, April 3): MWF all online, as I am speaking in Luxembourg. So some of you will be thrilled, some of you sad to have three online classes in a row!

When I return, we are still going to be focusing on relationships in young adulthood, marriage etc. The plan is to have some more unusual classes (in person) when I return (Marriage Therapy anyone? This would be a nice time to have more men in the class ;)

Our first week back together (April 6, April 8) will be MW will be in person, Friday is a Holiday (April 10)!

The calendar (in BB), amazingly has stayed up to date all semester, so it is a great place to check to make sure what we are doing, and on what date. The Blog is also frequently updated.

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