Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Are you Lost in this Class (Dates/ Assignments)?

Hello All-
Here is the response (most of you have answered at this point)about whether (or why) you are lost in class.

Several feel as though I have not been clear about assignments. Last semester, we changed dates on two things (voting) but this semester, everything has been as it was planned on day 1, according to the syllabus. Blackboard's calendar function has been up to date all along, and the online class days are pretty clearly marked in the Discussion area (no one mentioned that, I'm just saying ;)and always updated on the blog, especially if an addition has been made (and of course we talk about it in class).

As far as assignment clarity goes- the descriptions are in your syllabus, and in Blackboard (electronically). You have ample time to ask me questions about assignments- many of you do (dropping in or sending me an email). But if you wait until the very last minute to read the assignment description (when you have had it since January) and have questions the night before it is due, please do not put the responsibility on me for being "unclear" ;) Please see your responses to the other question posted above as well.

One last comment (to your comments). Online classes are meant to take up one class period. There were a couple of complaints that online classes take up too much time, time away from reading the textbook. Reading your assigned reading does not count as class time, sorry...and I know that many of you do not take anywhere near an hour to complete your online class time...SO...that's it for now :)