Friday, October 24, 2008

Exam Breakdown

Total Available points fro the Exam:
93 points

Plus you may have gotten:
2 Bonus Points
3 19 Minutes points

You will see the breakdowns on Monday when we go over them in class.

Doing 19 Minutes added about 5-6% to your grade for those of you that did it. For those of you that didn't a few of you may be wishing that you did. Make an appointment with me on that if you need to.

The Chapter 4 Definition was worth 2pts (Bonus only). I gave out partial points as well.

I was very liberal with the 5 anxiety symptoms. Only the really bad, or blank answers were marked wrong. Usually you can just describe your symptoms during an exam.

So, divide your number into the total available (93).

There's your percentage.

Overall, very good job! :)

Dr. Holmes

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