For 15 extra credit points this semester (that is a TON of extra credit)...pick up a copy of this book immediately. You can ask the students from my class last year if you can borrow their copy as well. It really is an easy read, and most students had trouble putting it down once they started. You will actually have to read the book, Amazon reviews etc. just won't work. You'll need to let me know by the end of next week if you are going to participate, or just sit this one out (you are confident in that A or B grade without it!).
Author: Jodi Piccoult
(I see that there are used copies from $2.99 on Amazon.com).
I just bought the book and I would love to take advantage of the extra credit
Dr. Holmes, I am going to participate in the extra credit by reading the book.
Dr. Holmes, I would like to participate in this extra credit project.
I do not have the book yet, but I will get it soon and I would like to participate in the extra credit.
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