Friday, May 22, 2009


Thank you all for a great end to the semester. I especially thank all of you for you understanding through that court case! A few final notes:

These are the highest grade averages from any class I have ever taught! If you want to email me: just send it to will be shut down shortly and we can't communicate through there. Thank you for your kind notes- to those of you who wrote them on your exams ;)

Your weakness on the exam was actually something important (for your own personal health): STD/STI’s.
1. HPV (warts) is still fairly easily spread, even with a condom. It is a virus (you can’t get rid of it). You can get it even if you don’t have “real” intercourse.
2. Herpes, is a virus, and you can’t get rid of it. Condoms help, but you can still spread it.
3.HIV/AIDS- Virus, not that easily spread when condoms are consistently used. Many married couples have prevented the other from getting it when one has it- by consistent use.
4. Hepatitis B- get the vaccination! (You probably already have)… It is an awful disease and easily avoided (I think you can get this one from kissing).
5. Bacteria can do a lot of damage, but are easily rid of with antibiotics : Chlamydia, Syphilis, Gonorrhea

In -Class News Story Updates
UPDATE on SEXTING: I know that some kids were just on the news facing Juvenile Hall for Sexting and this just happened this week in Memphis…notice how out of touch administration is…

This just happened to a friend of mine’s family in CA:
(reminder, we live the news, and be thankful it was not us today).

UPDATE: The boy with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (Court ordered treatment, mom flees to Mexico?):
UPDATE on the Mom whose MySpace Bullying led to the 13 year old’s suicide:

Answer to Bindi Bonus question has been on the blog for weeks ;)

Loved the humor- a few of your wrote “If Mama ain’t happy aint no one happy” in response to Menopause!

There were 49 possible points on the exam, so I threw in one point for you to make it 50, just because you are great. Yes, your grades are in WebAdvisor now.

Stop by any time! Enjoy your summer and I will see most of you in the fall☺

Dr. Holmes

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Boy and Mother Flee to Mexico?,2933,520960,00

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

UPDATE:Judge Rules Family Can't Refuse Chemo for Boy

Boy Refuses Cancer Treatment for Religious Reasons

Watch more The Wall Street Journal videos on AOL Video

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What is a Bindi?

The bindi is arguably the most visually fascinating of all forms of body decoration. Hindus attach great importance to this ornamental mark on the forehead between the two eyebrows -- a spot considered a major nerve point in human body since ancient times. Also loosely known as 'tika', 'pottu', 'sindoor', 'tilak', 'tilakam', and 'kumkum', a bindi is usually a small or a big eye-catching round mark made on the forehead as adornment.
That Red Dot

In southern India, girls choose to wear a bindi, while in other parts of India it is the prerogative of the married woman. A red dot on the forehead is an auspicious sign of marriage and guarantees the social status and sanctity of the institution of marriage. The Indian bride steps over the threshold of her husband's home, bedecked in glittering apparels and ornaments, dazzling the red bindi on her forehead that is believed to usher in prosperity, and grants her a place as the guardian of the family's welfare and progeny.
A Hot Spot!

The area between the eyebrows, the sixth chakra known as the 'agna' meaning 'command', is the seat of concealed wisdom. It is the centre point wherein all experience is gathered in total concentration. According to the tantric cult, when during meditation the latent energy ('kundalini') rises from the base of the spine towards the head, this 'agna' is the probable outlet for this potent energy. The red 'kumkum' between the eyebrows is said to retain energy in the human body and control the various levels of concentration. It is also the central point of the base of the creation itself — symbolizing auspiciousness and good fortune.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Blackboard TROUBLES

Hello Everyone, thank you for your notes. I know BB is having trouble- I have had trouble accessing it as well. No worries. There will be no late penalties. It something is missing or you just can't get it, hang tight and it will be ok. You will have through next week to complete it if needed.

Friday, May 1, 2009

All Jacked Up Trailer

How to Get Fat Without Even Trying

Obnoxious but Makes His Point

A Two Year Old Story- Just Coming to TN?

Congrats Tobey!

That was a bit of a scene for you at the awards ceremony- nice!

The Verdict is in!

Finally! Jury was 12-0 on all: Breach of Contract, Breach of Fiduciary Duty, Fraud and Malicious Conduct and Punitive. Wasn't sure what the jury was going to do after 3 weeks of this, but they threw the book at him and agreed on every tiny detail...recovery unlikely but yay! for today!