Monday, September 28, 2009

How Genetic Disorders Happen

Genetic abnormalities can happen due to small mutation in a single gene,an addition or deletion of an entire chromosome or set of chromosomes.

XX Female, XY MALE

Either of a pair of chromosomes that determine whether an individual is male or female. The sex chromosomes of mammals are designated X and Y; in humans, they constitute one pair of the total 23 pairs of chromosomes. Individuals possessing two X chromosomes (XX) are female; those having one X and one Y chromosome (XY) are male. The X chromosome is larger and carries more genetic information than the Y. Traits controlled only by genes found on the X chromosome (e.g., red-green colour blindness- only males) are said to be sex-linked.

Sex-linked traits occur far more frequently in males than in females, since a male inheriting an allele for a recessive (see recessiveness) trait on the X chromosome lacks a corresponding allele on the Y chromosome that might counteract its effects. Several disorders are associated with an abnormal number of sex chromosomes, including Turner syndrome and Klinefelter syndrome (which we will discuss in class).

Cell Tutorial Game

A somewhat helpful tutorial...

Fragile X

More common in boys, but girls can also have it.

Friday, May 22, 2009


Thank you all for a great end to the semester. I especially thank all of you for you understanding through that court case! A few final notes:

These are the highest grade averages from any class I have ever taught! If you want to email me: just send it to will be shut down shortly and we can't communicate through there. Thank you for your kind notes- to those of you who wrote them on your exams ;)

Your weakness on the exam was actually something important (for your own personal health): STD/STI’s.
1. HPV (warts) is still fairly easily spread, even with a condom. It is a virus (you can’t get rid of it). You can get it even if you don’t have “real” intercourse.
2. Herpes, is a virus, and you can’t get rid of it. Condoms help, but you can still spread it.
3.HIV/AIDS- Virus, not that easily spread when condoms are consistently used. Many married couples have prevented the other from getting it when one has it- by consistent use.
4. Hepatitis B- get the vaccination! (You probably already have)… It is an awful disease and easily avoided (I think you can get this one from kissing).
5. Bacteria can do a lot of damage, but are easily rid of with antibiotics : Chlamydia, Syphilis, Gonorrhea

In -Class News Story Updates
UPDATE on SEXTING: I know that some kids were just on the news facing Juvenile Hall for Sexting and this just happened this week in Memphis…notice how out of touch administration is…

This just happened to a friend of mine’s family in CA:
(reminder, we live the news, and be thankful it was not us today).

UPDATE: The boy with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (Court ordered treatment, mom flees to Mexico?):
UPDATE on the Mom whose MySpace Bullying led to the 13 year old’s suicide:

Answer to Bindi Bonus question has been on the blog for weeks ;)

Loved the humor- a few of your wrote “If Mama ain’t happy aint no one happy” in response to Menopause!

There were 49 possible points on the exam, so I threw in one point for you to make it 50, just because you are great. Yes, your grades are in WebAdvisor now.

Stop by any time! Enjoy your summer and I will see most of you in the fall☺

Dr. Holmes

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Boy and Mother Flee to Mexico?,2933,520960,00

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

UPDATE:Judge Rules Family Can't Refuse Chemo for Boy